
5th Annual Letter of Credit MasterClass held in Dubai

08/04/2014 The 5th annual Letter of Credit MasterClass was held in Dubai on 7 & 8 April 2014 with 110 attendees. The topics covered included a review of the latest ICC Opinions; Incoterms from a corporate and bank perspective; standby LCs; document preparation and examination; the common pitfalls with letter of credit processing and handling; ISBP 745 in practice; Bank Payment Obligation and where it fits with the letter of credit; plus exercises and case studies.

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The latest newsletter is now available in the members trade information section under the category of 'Newsletters'...more

ICC release Technical Advisory Briefing No. 11 - Definition of Trade Finance 19/09/2024

Recognising that there is no global standard for the defining Trade Finance, this Briefing document provides a suggested text and has been recommended for use by the ICC Banking Commisison Steering Committee...more